
Jesus in the Old Testament

Because this is the 5th Monday of the month, I'm sharing a "Bible Help" instead of a Bible study. But I know you will enjoy this one as much as I do ~ It's a wonderful reminder that God has always had a plan to redeem mankind.

Jesus is part of the message of each book of the Bible:
   In Genesis Jesus is the Seed of the Woman
       Exodus…………………...Our Passover Lamb
             Leviticus……………………..Our High Priest
                   Numbers...............Pillar of Fire & Cloud Who Guides Us
                           Deuteronomy……….The Prophet Like Moses
                                  Joshua………………..The Mighty Conqueror
                                       Judges…………………………...Our Rescuer                     
                                             Ruth………………...Our Kinsman Redeemer
                                                 1 & 2 Samuel……......…..The Seed of David
                                                Kings & Chronicles…….....….Our Mighty King                                                             Ezra & Nehemiah…..Rebuilder of Our Broken Walls
                                                Esther………………….....Our Way of Escape
                                          Job……………...Our Hope in times of Trouble
                                   Psalms……………………..…..Our Shepherd
                             Proverbs & Ecclesiastes…….…..Our Wisdom
                       Song of Solomon…Our Lover and Bridegroom
                  Isaiah…………………...Our Suffering Savior
            Jeremiah……………....The Righteous Branch
     Lamentations…..…Prophet Who Weeps for Us
Ezekiel………..The Watchmen Who Warns Us
Daniel……..The 4th Man in the Fiery Furnace
    Hosea………………….Our Faithful Husband
          Joel….......Our Baptizer in the Holy Spirit
              Amos……………………..Our Burden Bearer
                     Obadiah……………..The One Mighty to Save
                            Jonah…………....The Sender of Missionaries
                                 Micah……..The Messenger of the Good News
                                       Nahum………..The Avenger of the Righteous
                                              Habakkuk……....The One Crying for Revival
                                                    Zephaniah & Haggai….Giver of Another Chance
                                                          Zechariah…….…………...The Pierced Son
                                                           Malachi..Son of Righteousness w/Healing in his Wings

On the Emmaus Road, Christian Unite Clip Art 
On the Emmaus  Road, Jesus used the Old Testament to explain Who He was...“That was some Bible conference, and I wish I could have been there! Imagine the greatest Teacher explaining the greatest themes from the greatest Book...Perhaps Jesus started at Genesis 3:15, the first promise of the Redeemer, and traced that promise through the Scriptures. He may have lingered at Genesis 22, which tells of Abraham placing his only beloved son on the altar. Surely He touched on Passover, the levitical sacrifices, the tabernacle ceremonies, the Day of Atonement, the serpent in the wilderness, the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53, and the prophetic messages of Psalms 22 and 69. The key to understanding the Bible is to see Jesus Christ on every page.” (1)  Warren Weirsbe

As you read through the Bible, remember that you are reading the greatest story ever written—the story of life—the story of Jesus!  WOW!

The list above is compiled and edited from various non-copyrighted lists. 
(1) Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (Lk 24:13). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.


  1. that was nice my sister lay preacher at differnt church so was dad and brother

  2. that was nice my sister lay preacher at differnt church so was dad and brother
