
Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print Bible Study

This study offers an interesting study of Matthew 19 using Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print.

Before doing this study, please read the 1-minute introduction, An Intriguing Story of Redemption.  Then pull out your Bible and read Matthew 19. 

1. After reading Matthew 19, consider the overall theme of the painting.

Hint: Don't focus on the specific teachings in the chapter. Instead, examine the characteristics of Christ and the people that apply to all situations addressed in chapter 19. 

2. Next, identify specific themes in the print by focusing on the specific situations and teachings.

Hint: Study the details carefully—faces, clothing, objects, animals, groupings, and possible symbols. Consider attitudes, purposes, types of requests, types of responses, negative elements, positive elements, etc.

Below are two copies of the Rembrandt print. The first one identifies some of the specific groups. The bottom one has no text so you can examine it carefully. 

This study offers an interesting study of Matthew 19 using Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print.

This study offers an interesting study of Matthew 19 using Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print.

"The many contrasts in this engraving are striking: light on the left, dark on the right, high on the left, low on the right, rich vs. poor, adult vs. child, human vs. animal, Jews vs. Gentiles, healthy vs. sick, seeing vs. blind, with or without distinction, self-satisfied or begging for help, proud or kneeling."  Artway

Copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2013,, edited and updated in 2021

Bite Size Bible Study

This study offers an interesting study of Matthew 19 using Rembrandt's 100 Guilder Print.

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