
Privilege, Responsibility, and Influence in Marriage

Women who think submission makes them less of a person haven't understood the responsibilities of leadership and the power of their influence.

Before doing this Bible study, please read:

Many women who object to submission focus on the leadership of the husband and overlook the responsibility it carries with it. 

The Responsibility of Leadership

Women who think submission makes them less of a person haven't understood the responsibilities of leadership and the power of their influence.
Note this sequence of events:

Genesis 3:6: "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."

Adam was standing next to Eve when she ate the fruit, but he didn't stop her. He joined her. I encourage you to read all of Genesis 3 to fully understand the context.

1 Corinthians 15:21-22: "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."

Romans 5:14: "Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come."

Women who think submission makes them less of a person haven't understood the responsibilities of leadership and the power of their influence.

Even though Eve was the first to sin and she tempted Adam to sin, Adam is always designated as the one through whom sin and death entered the world. 

He tried to blame Eve, but God held Adam responsible because he was the leader of his family and he failed to lead. For more perspective on Adam's blame game, see The Fourth Oldest Sin: It's Your Fault.

Don't misunderstand: Eve was fully responsible for her personal sin, but Adam carries the responsibility for the fall of mankind because he failed to lead. 

A good explanation from Answers in Genesis:

“As the leader it was Adam’s responsibility to protect and provide for his family. This leadership role was clearly demonstrated when God talked with Adam and Eve following their sin. Even though Eve sinned before Adam, God questioned Adam first (Genesis 3:9). This was because of the leadership role God ordained for husbands in marriage. Adam, as the leader of the family, was held responsible, not only for his own sin of eating from the tree, but also because he did not provide adequate protection for his wife, allowing her to sin. In the New Testament, Adam is clearly presented as both progenitor and representative of all mankind…Just as sin and death came through one man, Adam, it is also through one man, Jesus Christ, that grace and righteousness are given as free gifts to sinners. The naming of Christ as the Last Adam and the multiple comparisons of Adam to Christ would be invalid and nonsensical if original sin came through Eve…Interestingly, although Eve was the first to sin, the solution to sin came through “her Seed” (Genesis 3:15). The Seed, Jesus Christ, was born of a virgin named Mary. He paid the price for sin and will redeem those who receive the salvation He offers…Scripture makes it clear that that sin and death entered this world through Adam, and thus he is to blame for original sin.”

A Military Analogy

My husband was in the military for 22 years. When he was a company commander, each soldier in his company was held responsible for violating orders or breaking the law. However, if a soldier's actions affected a mission of the company, my husband was also held responsible. 

There's an acronym used in the military: RHIP, Rank has its privilege. But there's an acronym not used that is just as true: RHIR. Rank (leadership) has its responsibilities.

Personal Application

My husband and I recently made some important decisions about our future. We discussed these issues as equals. We debated different aspects, we prayed, and sought counsel. But in the end, my husband made the final decision, and he will bear the responsibility for that decision in a way I will not. 

I consider that a privilege and a protection husbands don't have. Adam was held responsible for the sin of mankind in a way Eve was not. And our husbands are held responsible for our families in a way we are not.

In addition, women are given an incredible position of influence with our children and husband, and that influence is every bit as important as the husband's leadership. Eve used it for evil, but we can use it for good. To read more, see For the Love of a Woman.

Copyright, Gail Burton Purath 2021, 

Bite Size Bible Study


  1. Adam is held accountable for his Sin because he did so deliberately. Eve was deceived, so she is not held responsible. If you were deceived when you sign a contract, that contract is Null and Void. I cannot be enforced because of the fraud involved in the contract, this still holds true in our own law thousands of years later. It doesn't save you from the aggravation, time, and funds it takes to break the contract, but you are NOT held liable! God is the One who agreed with this. Adam was there when Eve was being deceived but he did/said nothing! And he watched as she took of the Fruit, and ate when she offered him some. But, God Himself had this plan so that we would be in need of rescue and His Son Yeshua would come to save us for eternity. It was God's intent all along to allow us to fall so that He could institute His plan to give us freedom of choice, but without Death as it's consequence for disobedience. He took the consequence upon Himself on the cross and KILLED DEATH for all who believe. Man is not greater than woman, Woman is not greater than Man. Or as Paul puts it: "Nevertheless, in union with the Lord neither is woman independent of man nor is man independent of woman; for as the woman was made from the man, so also the man is now born through the woman. But everything is from God." There is no less than or greater than, just Man - Male and Female, and God the Creator of the universe who is over and above all. Shalom

    1. Hi Unknown,

      I've never heard of a contract being null and void when a person is deceived. That's why we must be careful what we sign.

      But signing a contract without full knowledge is not the same as Eve choosing to eat the fruit after God clearly forbid it. She knew she was violating God's law.

      She listened to Satan, believed Satan, and sinned. She was an adult with a full knowledge of God's love and God's commands.

      Satan always has and always will deceive people, but everyone, including Eve, can resist his lies. It's a choice.

      Adam sinned without being deceived. As the head of his family, he was held more responsible, but Eve also sinned and was held fully responsible for her sin.

      1 Timothy 2:14: "Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner."

      James 1:14-15: "Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

      Nothing in this devotion says Man is better than woman or woman than man.
