
Salt & Grace Bible Study

This short Bible study talks about our need to speak graciously when we share hard Gospel truths. It offers 3 steps in this process.

Before doing this Bible study, read the one-minute introduction Salt and Grace.

Scripture commands us to share the "salt" of the Gospel in a gracious way (Colossians 4:6).

We should never be ashamed of the full gospel message. It includes warnings about Hell and important moral commands that aren't popular with our culture. But, as Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16). 

However, we must share the truth properly, kindly, wisely. Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak "the truth in love" and the following verse offers additional insights:

This short Bible study talks about our need to speak graciously when we share hard Gospel truths. It offers 3 steps in this process.

1. Listen carefully

2. Speak carefully

3. Don't become angry.

1. Listen Carefully. 

In the last few years, I've heard a great many rumors based on partial truths, second-hand assumptions, and words taken out of context. People who pass along rumors do something worse that failing to listen carefully. They also fail to check their facts. See 3 Times to Bite Your Lip for more insights on this.

This short Bible study talks about our need to speak graciously when we share hard Gospel truths. It offers 3 steps in this process.
It's especially important to listen when we're sharing Christ with unsaved people. See Pause, Ask, and Listen for more insights.

2. Speak Carefully.

What we say is important, and how we say it is also important.

See 6 Christian Rules of Speech to gain more insights. And take some time to check out this collection of 1-minute devotions about Christian Speech.

3. Don't become Angry. 

I deal regularly with rude, angry comments on blog posts. It's rare for someone to disagree graciously. They usually resort to Ad Hominem Disagreement

Christians should be different, "salty" but gracious (Colossians 4:6).

So let's ask God to help us share His truths boldly and graciously.

copyright, Gail Burton Purath, 2013,, edited and updated 2021

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